Okay. Stop singing Adeline. Stop.
I have like all the songs stuck in my head after 3 days of working.
And i've been acting pretty much like a kid as well. With the HI-5s and the baby talks.
Even though I have to work the whole freaking day non stop and have my very first break and meal in the evening,body paining like no tomorrow,dealing with
mengebabi parents but its sokay.
I AM HAVING FUN! and i'm happy. ;]
Told'ja I am happy. Err.. maybe looking really tired.
Yesh,you can stop laughing now. I HAD to pin up my fringe. Its more or less like school.
So for the pass few days,i've been meeting lots of new & fun people which somehow either knows one of my friend or its either someone i've met somewhere i have no idea where.Such a small world. Bah,my tangan so the sakit. Gonna finish this post and
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep like tomorrow from tomorrow till wednesday. ;D
Wake up, shower,rush to work,
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooork,eat, come home,sleep. Repeat. ;]
Especially on Saturday and Sunday! So bloody a lot of people can die i tell you.I have no idea where on earth all these people came from.Never ending crowd. Thankfully,today the mall was
empty. Like really really empty. So we had to cancel the last activity cos no one showed up. ZERO. Happy for me la,get to go home early. My supervisor damn freaking nice some more lorh. ;D
The kids are easy to deal with surprisingly but whats hard is their parents! One lady came rushing on stage just because she wanted to exchange her daughters present. Like dudeeee,we gave her the first prize and she wants the second prize. Wtc.
And there's this one more
giganticpurple lady
which looks like barney but worst than barney that pushes her way to the front and insist her daughter the get on stage for the games. Previously the announcer already mentioned that preferably only one kid gets to come on stage once but she insisted like mad. The best part is,her daughter cant even do any shit for fuck. All she does was just to stand there and gave everyone a cock stare.Its nice enough for us to let her daughter on stage
TWICE already! So Emily,
one of my colleague on stage had to deal with that lady. Such a poor thing. Then she made a complain to Anna.
=__+ At backstage after that we were all talking about it and
IT WAS THE SAME FREAKING BARNEY LADY THAT THEY HAD PROBLEM WITH IN THE KLANG EVENT! She probably stalked this event. LOL. And she dont only come for a day.She comes like a few times! Like seriously man, dont she have a life or something? Running around just to let her kid on stage. Wont her kid like learn or something?
No offence and NOT COMPLAINING. ;]
Its funny how all of us made a joke out of it after that. ;P
So yeah, i'll be having 2 days of off. So wheeeee. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :) I sleep at like 11 everyday man. Been so long since i slept THAT early. And and the best part is, tomorrow is J Card Member Day and all of them have to go to work at 8! MUAHAHAHAHA. ;D
nine more days of work and waaaaaalahhhhh,moooooooooolaaahhhhhhh! ;D
Come come come to OU,Old Wing,Center court! ;D
then buy me lunch! :P.....aahhhhhhhhh.sakit sakit.
Gonna stop using my arms and sleeeeeeeep.
Follow me on twitter! Gonna tweet during work. =x I mean. Break. ;D