1. My ex =Monday. IDK.
2. Maybe I should = Really go buy xpax now!
3. I love = biting my lips right now! hurts terribly. ):
4. People would say that I am = awesomeeeee! :D nahh.
5. I don't understand = what is wrong with the world man omg!
6. When I woke up in the morning = it was raining.think twice to come to school. :p
7. I trust =God,the famous five and that dumbass. :P
8. Life is = a maze. *sings the show* ahahhaa.so random.
9. My past taught me = To be stronger.
10. I get annoyed = with something i dislike and often appear in front of me. pure pftt!
11. Parties are = THE BEST! :D who's party's next? (:
12. I wish = that things went the way i wanted. ):
13. Dogs = puppies better!
14. Cats = creeps me out. =S
15. Tomorrow is = Thursday. day filled with boring subjects. lets skip school? :D wangsa walk mall opened deyh!
16. I have a low tolerance for = people that dont know their limits!
17. If I had a million dollars = Sleep with it. (:
18. I'm totally terrified of = Rejection.
19. When I look at the night sky I think = How i wish i could forget the world for a moment.
20. If I could be anyone I would be = no one. because no one's perfect. ahahaha. I'd be me for sure. i rock you know. :p jahhh.
Things are going on quite well these few days.
people around me kept calling me asking if i'm okay or why on earth is my blog's so emo.
thanks bunchie! (:
i'm pretty fine now.Well,shit happens right?
School was pretty fun today. I must say because I LAUGHED.
hahah. It started off with physic,got back my paper and waalahh!
i passed! :D
sixteyh freaking fourr!
shuttup,dont laugh.I'm improving here! :D
and then the dudes brought their guitars.We played for like four periods non stop. ahaha.My sivics teacher's really cool! He requested i'm yours,so they played for him and we sang along!
everyone gathered around,we sang and we laughed.
oh and there's this one part,me and julian played when you say nothing at all.
tahahhaah. NOT BAD WOHKAYH.Sing-able (:
eyh shooots,i think i better stop. or else i wont stop talking.
things to do :
1. Print letters.
2.Find facts for presentation tomorrow!
3.Do bio report.
4.Buy xpax.
sounded like a typical college kid. =O