Saturday, March 22, 2008
time owh time.
I hate to mention the word exam. but too bad i have to. I know i shouldn't be here. but i just cant.
gahh screw it.
went for choir today.As usual.THE PATHETIC LIL ALTO. I saw ain's braces.Its so. . . oouucchh. i realise that she cant sing properly and keep on adjusting her lil mouth.Were talking about how gross if some one didn't clean their braces after every meal with all the food and the lil pieces stuck in between those metal thingy..
*rolling eyes*
wutt?? dont look at me.
After choir,rushed all the way to lrt station,study study study,went back.
It was raining heaviy. HEAVILY. Everyone stood there waiting for the rain to stop.But unfortunately,its taking too long so we ran.Ran cross the road with water splashing everywhere.Whole body were soaking wet as if we got dunk in the swimming pool. And now,GUESS WHAT?!??! MY PHONE CANT FRIGGING ON! great! ptff. or mayb is it time for me to get a new phone? =D awww man.
met felicia in the lrt.
Gtg study soon. haiishh. damn bodo la. i dont think i will be able to finish study. *big big cry* =(
off hunting for food. xP
♥lovely thoughts @
4:07 PM