Tuesday, March 11, 2008
son of a bitch
I'm fucking pissed. TIU! I found out that some motherfucker called me a bitch for something i didn't even fucking do. So what if you don't like what I'm doing? its my wish la. I do what i want and i do what i like. i have a life. Aren't like you . What on earth is your fucking problem? Since when have i ever said that? mind your own mouth and look into the mirror before you say something stupid.Such a pain in the ass! Who cares if you are reading this? Think your so great? cheech.So what if you don't like me? like i like you either. I HATE YOU ! RIGHT IN UR FUCKING FACE! tiu gou lei lou mou lar going around bullshitting something bad about me like a total idiot! do i look like i fucking care? do all you want as long as I DIDN'T SAY ALL THOSE SHIT.IF I SAID IT, I WOULD HAVE SAID IT IN FRONT OF UR FUCKING FACE! fking ridicules rite?! ma chao hai.owh wtvrs. I dont give a fking shit some fucking lifeless idiot! =)
♥lovely thoughts @
11:13 PM