I looked super uglied in the pictures we took yesterday.
Here's one.
just one.
Me and Denise in nando's again. err.. If you're reading my blog.You better have great imaginations cos i'm gonna ask you to imagine alot of stuff.
like now,
imagine Aiman's face.In that picture.
I dont care how do you think he looks like.I bet you think he will look like some boyan-muke-tak-leh-belah rite? ;p
kangaroolotions.You got half right. (:
with the nasik ayam and the gune tangan thingy
ahahahaha! Suits his name.
Anyways,now that the mrs.ng people have got no tuitions,Robiah's tuition's also becoming quiet-er.
Hotlink sent me this weird message during tuition.
"Happy Birthday! Enjoy FREE Maxis-to-Maxis Calls on 24/08/2008. It's your Hotlink Rewards,on your very special day. Your account must be active."
O.o since when maxis so good?
so just text me and i'll give you a ring on that particular day.
I'M TAKING REVENGE ! so must credit they whacked from me.
School's out.
Let's go out! (:
Worst come to worst I'll sit at home at watch.....
spongebob! squregepants!
Paattwwicck! =D
and eerrr...
patribob? ;p
ps.My title has got nothing to do with this posts.I find it hard to give a title for my post.always do.(:
♥lovely thoughts @
9:29 PM