Sunday, October 21, 2007
1. Who knows the real you?I dunno..Ask them lar.2. Last text message you received on your phone?oh crap! thanks for reminding me that my phone died.from ainsley i think.3 . If you could kiss anyone who would it be?My love =)4. What song are you listening to?clumsy-fergi.5 . Who does it remind you of? diha.6. Last movie you watched?gawt..long ago.RUSH HOUR 3! i don't watch movie when i go shopping. =) 7. Which of your friends lives closest to you?i don't know.They all stay far apart from me.=(8. What CD is in your stereo?-empty-9. Do you have a job?nope.10. What did you do today?"studied"..12. What does the last text message in your outbox say?phone died lo.13. Last person you ditched class with?holidays. =)14. If you found out you got pregnant,what would you do?abortion.duh!15. Do you trust your friends?yar..! and they better don't lose my trust in them.16. Who was the last person to call you?forgotten.17. What annoys you?humans acting "over" and mummie's nagging. XD18. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?yea.^^19. Next vacation you're going on?Singapore kut.20. Do you play any instruments?piano. when i was lil.21. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?sometimes..2 2. Do you want any piercings? will do.23. Can you roll your R's?yup.*rrrrrr*24 . Are you excited right now?for what? exams? cheech! NO! 25. Look out the window:sky is dark.its almost 3.26. Are you procrastinating on anything right now?nope nope.27. Last time you went to the mall?few days ago.JJ =.=28. Who last Med you?qistina!!29. What kind of music do you like?anything that's not boring.3 0. What was the last thing you ate?mcds.3 1. Ever snuck outta the house?nope.I'm a good girl. =)32. Which of your friends would make the best room mate?hmm...most of them?33. Last thing you purchased?credit..35. Would you stop talking to your friend if they started hooking up with Ur ex?nope.36. Do people ever spell your name wrong?YEA! even pronounce it wrongly. ADE-LINE (in malay) it means got line. pfft!37. When was the last compliment you received?yday.forgotten what. =) !38. Are you watching TV?i was suppose to watch a show at 12.3 am.the tv's on and I'm not watching it.LOL39. What are some features you find most attractive in the opposite sex?hair? something different from me?
♥lovely thoughts @
2:38 AM